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The Château Gruaud-Larose is a Bordeaux wine located in Saint-Julien-Beychevelle. AOC Saint-Julien, it is classified second growth in the Medoc classification of 1855. Château Gruaud-Larose‘s vineyard is composed of 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Franc, 4% Petit Verdot and 2% Malbec.
The best vintages of Château Gruaud Larose are 1945, the vintage 1947, 1961 and Gruaud Larose 1989. Finally, we suggest the Gruaud-Larose 1990, Gruaud-Larose 2001 and Château Gruaud-Larose 2010.
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The wine stays for 16 to 18 months in oak barrels in new mediums at 35%. Some great vintages have remained exceptional in Gruaud-Larose, as in all of Bordeaux, such as 1961, 1982, 1986 or 1989. This important area with extremely rare homogeneity is implanted on 80 hectares of single piece of deep gravel rumps . It produces the largest and most robust Saint-Julien, a wine of great class and very long guard, raised until 1991 under the direction of Georges Pauli, who has exalted his characteristic style under several successive owners.